Welcome to ACBS-Toronto
ACBS-Toronto is a member-driven, volunteer-run, not-for-profit organization. Volunteers are responsible for everything from running the business of the organization through the Board of Directors, creating our award-winning magazine, Classicboat, planning and implementing events, maintaining our website, accounting, and all other aspects. We exist to celebrate the beauty and the rich heritage of recreational boating in Ontario, Canada, and around the world. As a member you will enjoy a full year of memorable outings, events, workshops, gatherings, and shows with other enthusiasts just like you.
Our members collect wood, aluminum and classic fibreglass boats that represent our history and the boats we grew up with. ACBS-Toronto Members range from antique and classic boat owners to builders and people who simply appreciate these beautiful crafts. You don’t have to own a vintage boat to be a member.
We recognize that as we move towards Summer, all of us normally look forward to the Summer Vintage Boat Show. It is unfortunate that construction has forced its cancellation don’t despair, the Boat Show Committee and the Board of Directors have been working diligently developing the 2024 Vintage Boating Festival.
The Vintage Boat Festival has been undertaken to provide four days of vintage boating, enjoying time on the water with family and friends as well as the opportunity to socialize and get to know your fellow members on the dinner cruise. You will also have the opportunity to tour the new exhibits at the Discovery Centre and the new Canadian Raceboat Hall of Fame